Nachdem man mit ST TOS bald durch ist, denken die Macher über ihr nächstes Projekt nach: ST TNG
Es ist die logische Konsequenz, würde Spock wohl sagen.
Und auch die Gesetzte des Kapitalismus machen es geradezu unvermeidlich.
CBS Testing Remastering TNG in HD |
Es ist die logische Konsequenz, würde Spock wohl sagen.
Und auch die Gesetzte des Kapitalismus machen es geradezu unvermeidlich.

I had a moment to have a chat with some of the CBS team behind the TOS Remastered project at Comic Con about what’s next (after TOS). David Grant tells that they have "had discussions" to bring Star Trek The Next Generation onto high definition. They have also created an HD test for one episode. One concern is the visual effects which were were done in video and therefore more difficult to translate to HD. The team are seeing if the effects can be ‘uprezed’ or if they need to be entirely redone (as they did with TOS). Ryan Adams says "that is part of the tests that we are trying to massage and figure out." No decisions made yet on if, when or how, but will keep an eye on this exciting potential project.
CBS Testing Remastering TNG in HD |