Chandrila is a somewhat contrary world when compared to most of its fellow Core worlds. Culturally, Chandrilans dislike piling into huge cities, and have taken pains to keep communities small, with a low population density. Chandrilans have an unusually low birth rate, and families rarely have more than one child. Chandrila has only two continents, both of which are dominated by large, grassy plains.
While Chandrilans enjoy the same technological advances as other Core worlds, they reject entirely the notion that progress is linked to a divorce from nature. Everywhere one goes on Chandrila, one sees naturalistic elements in virtually every facet of life. Elaborate gardens are a mark of high status. Agriculture is still a large part of Chandrila's economy. There are a huge number of agrifarms on the gently rolling hills and huge grassy plains of Chandrila's two major continents. Farmers specialize in foodstuffs which are difficult to preserve for long hyperspace trips.
While Chandrilans enjoy the same technological advances as other Core worlds, they reject entirely the notion that progress is linked to a divorce from nature. Everywhere one goes on Chandrila, one sees naturalistic elements in virtually every facet of life. Elaborate gardens are a mark of high status. Agriculture is still a large part of Chandrila's economy. There are a huge number of agrifarms on the gently rolling hills and huge grassy plains of Chandrila's two major continents. Farmers specialize in foodstuffs which are difficult to preserve for long hyperspace trips.
Ich bestreite auch garnicht dass die Aufstände existieren (das tun sie ja schon seit der ersten Mission im RPG), aber es ist wichtig darauf hinzuweisen dass sie von den Sith ausgelöst wurden, um den Planeten in die Arme der Sith zu treiben. Alles andere macht wenn man die Kultur des Planeten betrachtete keinen Sinn. Die Argumente wie du sie schreibst könnten von den Sith genutzt worden zu sein um die "beeinflussbareren" Bürger zum Protestieren zu bringen, aber ein Planet der Großstädte verabscheut und alles tut um im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben wird solche Missstände nicht zulassen.