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Bilderrätsel Stargate Atlantis

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    "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
    "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
    "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
    "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


      yep, du bist dran.
      "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
      - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


        Tut mir leid, hat etwas länger gedauert.

        "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
        "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
        "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
        "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


          "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
          - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


            "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
            "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
            "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
            "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


              Auf ein Neues.
              Angehängte Dateien
              "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
              - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                Season 2.. Runner?
                "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                  Season 2:ja, aber nicht Runner.
                  "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                  - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                    Critical Mass?
                    "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                    "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                    "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                    "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                      Wird schon wärmer.
                      "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                      - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                        Ist ber nicht Grace Under Pressure, oder?
                        "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                        "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                        "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                        "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                          Nein. Aber du bist auf dem richtigen Weg.
                          "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                          - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                            The Tower?
                            "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                            "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                            "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                            "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                              Naja, bald hast du ja die Folgen alle durch.
                              Ich geb dir mal nen Tipp.
                              Shep whump
                              "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                              - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                                ich weiß, blödes rumraten

                                Du meinst doch nicht Conversion?
                                "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                                "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                                "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                                "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed

