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Bilderrätsel Stargate Atlantis

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    Season 3 ist schon mal richitg!
    "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
    - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


      "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
      "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
      "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
      "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


        "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
        - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


          Tao of Rodney?
          "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
          "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
          "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
          "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


            Nein, leider nicht.
            Kleiner Hinweis: 2te Hälfte
            "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
            - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


              Tao of Rodney ist zweite Hälfte (3x14 bei 20 Folgen)

              Dann gehe ich mit The Game. Sudnay ist es nicht (Weir trägt grün und trifft afaik Shep nicht außer am Ende), The Ark ist nicht Atlantis (zumidnest nicht mit Shep/Weir), Submersion da hat die Station ein anderes Design (und man sieht Atlantis afaik auch nicht), Vengeance ist offworld. Irresponsible würde ich ausschließen und dann bliebe nur noch Echoes, was ich auch net glaube.
              Oder du bist gemein udn es ist The Return
              "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
              "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
              "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
              "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                Du hast recht, Tao of Rodney gehört in die zweite Hälfte.
                Und du hast Schlussfolgerungen gezogen, die richtig sind. Jetzt musst du nur noch an das glauben, an was du nicht glaubst ;-)
                "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                  "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                  "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                  "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                  "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                    Yep, du bist dran.
                    "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                    - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                      man, das war aber schwierig!

                      Eigentlich sehr eindeutig

                      ...wenn man auf deutsche Flaggen achtet
                      "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                      "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                      "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                      "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                        It has taken me some time, but now I've got it.

                        "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                        - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                          hast alle Folgen durchgeschaut?

                          du bist.
                          "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                          "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                          "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                          "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                            Nein, ich brauch normaler Weise nicht alle Eps anschauen, weil ich die meisten so oft gesehen habe, dass ich sie auswendir kenne.

                            Hier viel Spaß beim raten
                            Angehängte Dateien
                            "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                            - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                              Ich hatte soviel zu tun in letzter Zeit, dass ich von Season 3 nicht eine einzioge zweimal gesehen habe

                              Season 2 oder 3 auf jeden Fall. würde eher auf 3 tippen. Tao of Rodney?
                              "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                              "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                              "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                              "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                                Tipp nochmal ;-)
                                "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                                - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon

