Bilderrätsel Stargate Atlantis - SciFi-Forum


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Bilderrätsel Stargate Atlantis

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    Du gehst auf antwoten und dann anhänge verwalten und da lädst du ein Bidl hoch, oder du lädst das Bild auf deinen webspace oder zum Beispiel bei oder
    "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
    "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
    "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
    "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


      Ok, danke ich glaub es hat jetzt funktioniert.
      Angehängte Dateien
      "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
      - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon



        erm.. Season 2 würd ich sagen.. Trinity?
        "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
        "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
        "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
        "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


          Nope, leider nicht.
          Und es ist auch nicht Season 2.
          "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
          - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


            Season 1 dann (in 3 würd mir keine SItuation einfallen)
            "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
            "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
            "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
            "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


              Dann schau dir die 3te vielleicht noch mal an ;-)
              "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
              - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                mmh.. Progeny?
                "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                  Tao of Rodney?
                  "Wissenschaft ist die einzige Wahrheit, die reinste Wahrheit"


                    Zitat von Orovingwen Beitrag anzeigen
                    mmh.. Progeny?
                    And we have a winner

                    Du bist dran.
                    "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                    - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                      Das war aber gemein. Ich meine der Gürtel sagt zwar S3, aber da sidn Rodney und John so selten in seinem Labor zusammen...

                      Nun gut, neue Runde
                      Zuletzt geändert von Orovingwen; 26.04.2007, 23:40.
                      "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                      "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                      "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                      "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                        Coup D'Etat
                        "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                        - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                          Du bist dran
                          "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                          "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                          "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                          "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                            Her' ya go!
                            Angehängte Dateien
                            "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                            - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon


                              The Siege?
                              Es ist alles wahr
                              Alles! Hörst du?
                              Vertraue niemandem
                              Nur Wahrheit schafft Unsterblichkeit


                                Richtig, aber welcher Teil?
                                "Have you seen a guy around? He looks like you, but he's got messy hair. I think I lost him somewhere. And a pretty girl and a caveman."
                                - McKay, deleriously remembering Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon

