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    Vielleicht irgendein oder DAS Symbol eines Indianerstammes aus Utah!?
    "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
    ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


      Neg !!
      Hier nochmal auch auf dieser Seite das Bild um das es geht:
      “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
      They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
      Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


        Och, noch ein Tipp! BÜDDEBÜDDEBÜDDEBÜDDEBÜDDE!
        "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
        ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


          Also noch mehr als das man ein bisschen auf die von mir in letzter Zeit verfassten Posts achten soll kann ich ja net sagen !
          Nur zu dumm das die Suchfunktion net funzt !
          “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
          They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
          Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


            Original geschrieben von NicolasHazen
            Nur zu dumm das die Suchfunktion net funzt !
            Warum, kann man da den Avatar eingeben?????????
            "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
            ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


              Watte mal, ähnlich einem Insekt.......
              Eine Spinne???????? Aber was hat das mit Plympia zutun?
              "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
              ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                Is auch keine Spinne !!
                “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                  Dieses Symbol auf dem Avatar ist SEHR eng mit einer deutsch-polnischen "Koproduktion" verbunden !

                  So hier ist dein Tipp !
                  “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                  They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                  Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                    Es ist zwar zugegebenermaßen schwer, aber nicht unlösbar, Leutz !

                    Ich bin enttäsucht !
                    “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                    They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                    Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                      Deutsches Welle Polen! Mit Farbe...und bunt!
                      "Mai visto un compagno uscire dal campo senza aver dato tutto e anche di più. Siamo la squadra più straniera d’Italia, dicono. Faccio però fatica a trovare in giro per il mondo un gruppo più attaccato alla maglia del nostro." - Javier Zanetti
                      ¡Pueblo no bueno! ¡Pueblo es muy mal!


                        Es hat also eher etwas mit Skispringen zu tun, wenn ich mir das Bild so ansehe, und du deutsch-polnisch sagst! Eine Kreuzung zwischen Hannawald und Malysz?

                        Viele Grüsse von Matthew Bluefox, der nicht erwartet, dass er Recht hat.


                          Also mit Skispringen hat es nix zu tun !
                          Völlig falsche Disziplin !
                          “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                          They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                          Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                            Wenn diese beiden Punkte die Enden von Skistöcken sind, dann würde ich jetzt mal auf Abfahrt tippen! Aber wer es ist...? Könnte sogar eine Figur aus Pokémon sein, aber das sehe ich mir wirklich gar nie an!

                            Viele Grüsse von Matthew Bluefox.

                            PS: Genauso wenig wie Dragonball...


                              Auch wieder alles falsch !
                              Ich habe fast das Gefühl das das hier niemand errät !
                              “Are these things really better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?”― Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby
                              They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken - Bobby Sands
                              Christianity makes everyone have this mentality that escapism is a bad thing. You know "Don't run away from the real world - deal with it." Why ? Why should you have to suffer? - Marilyn Manson


                                Dann erlöse uns von dem Bösen, denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft... usw.
                                Sag' es mir! Ich will es wissen! Dann kann man endlich ein neues Avatar zur Schau stellen! --- Bitte...

                                Viele Grüsse von Matthew Bluefox.

