Nachdem sich viele Leute über die ständigen Pausen beschwert haben, wird man es in der 3. Staffel ähnlich wie 24 handhaben.
Allerdings nicht in einem Stück. Erst 7 Folgen, dann eine längere Pause bis Januar und dann der Rest.
"We really wanted to just say to the audience, 'Listen, it's going to be on for this block here and then we'll bring it back and it will run straight through,'" explains ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson. "So yes, the plan is that Lost will come on in the fall in the first or second week of the season, run for seven episodes and then Day Break will launch into that period and Lost will come back in January or early February and run straight through for the remainder for the season."
Allerdings nicht in einem Stück. Erst 7 Folgen, dann eine längere Pause bis Januar und dann der Rest.
"We really wanted to just say to the audience, 'Listen, it's going to be on for this block here and then we'll bring it back and it will run straight through,'" explains ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson. "So yes, the plan is that Lost will come on in the fall in the first or second week of the season, run for seven episodes and then Day Break will launch into that period and Lost will come back in January or early February and run straight through for the remainder for the season."