Arni schwingt nochmal die Keule (oder das Schwert)!
Ich dachte erst, ich haette mich verlesen:
Schwarzenegger spielt Conan den Barbar - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ich hoffe nur, die versuchen nicht, ihn juenger zu machen als er ist...
Ich bin jedenfalls extrem gespannt.
Von den Filmen gehoert fuer mich der erste Teil (und nur der Erste!!) zu den besten Filmen ueberhaupt.
Mehr News:
Conan-2 wird dabei wohl gepflegt uebergangen:
Ahh, ich hoffe, die versauen das nicht, indem sie den Film auch fuer Juengere zugaenglich machen:
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(Ich habe jetzt noch keinen bestehenden Thread dafuer gefunden, falls es doch schon einen gibt, dann verschiebt halt diesen Kommentar)

Ich dachte erst, ich haette mich verlesen:
Schwarzenegger spielt Conan den Barbar - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Nun wird der 65-Jährige ein drittes Mal in die Rolle des Schwert-schwingenden Helden schlüpfen. Das Filmstudio Universal Pictures bestätigte das Sequel mit dem Namen "The Legend of Conan". Ein deutscher Titel ist genauso wie der geplante Filmstart noch nicht bekannt.
Ich bin jedenfalls extrem gespannt.
Von den Filmen gehoert fuer mich der erste Teil (und nur der Erste!!) zu den besten Filmen ueberhaupt.
Mehr News:
The caveat is that the studio wants The Legend Of Conan for summer 2014, (...)
“The original ended with Arnold on the throne as a seasoned warrior, and this is the take of the film we will make,” Malmberg told me. “It’s that Nordic Viking mythic guy who has played the role of king, warrior, soldier and mercenary, and who has bedded more women than anyone, nearing the last cycle of his life. He knows he’ll be going to Valhalla, and wants to go out with a good battle.”
“The original ended with Arnold on the throne as a seasoned warrior, and this is the take of the film we will make,” Malmberg told me. “It’s that Nordic Viking mythic guy who has played the role of king, warrior, soldier and mercenary, and who has bedded more women than anyone, nearing the last cycle of his life. He knows he’ll be going to Valhalla, and wants to go out with a good battle.”
There are no plans for Momoa to return. Morgan said that in his mind, The Legend Oof Conan not only skips over that film, but also the 1984 sequel that Schwarzenegger starred in.
They’ve yet to figure out whether the film will be R-rated like that original, but they won’t flinch from the hardness of the period depicted.
Will that level of violence be there? Absolutely, but only if it serves a character who lives by that barbarian law of the wild, who is capable of extreme violence and rage, but who has created his own code and operates from within it. By the end of that film, Conan became a certain character, and this film picks him up there, as he faces different challenges that include dealing with age.”
Will that level of violence be there? Absolutely, but only if it serves a character who lives by that barbarian law of the wild, who is capable of extreme violence and rage, but who has created his own code and operates from within it. By the end of that film, Conan became a certain character, and this film picks him up there, as he faces different challenges that include dealing with age.”
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(Ich habe jetzt noch keinen bestehenden Thread dafuer gefunden, falls es doch schon einen gibt, dann verschiebt halt diesen Kommentar)