Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels [Indy 4] - SciFi-Forum


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Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels [Indy 4]

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    Zeit wird´s mal wieder für ein paar "Indy 4"-News - und hier sind sie:

    Steven doesn't know if "Indy 4" is the last one
    (Tuesday, July 2, 2002)

    Sun-Times Columnist Cindy Pearlman mentions Steven Spielberg and Indiana Jones 4. Here's what she wrote about it:

    The director of the hit film Minority Report says that keeping up with the Joneses isn't easy. Steven Spielberg admits that the upcoming sequel to "Indiana Jones" wasn't first on his "to do" list. "There was a little nagging," he says, laughing about the much-awaited sequel starring Harrison Ford. "George Lucas nagged me a little bit on it. But the deal is that George, Harrison Ford, Kathleen Kennedy and I built a family in the '80s. It was a wonderful family. A nine-year family. We made three films in nine years. Now, I would like to go back and have some fun. I'm kind of saving the candy for the last one," Spielberg says.

    Hello, the last one? "Oh, I don't know," Spielberg adds. "Of course, I said the third Indy would be the last one. And obviously it's not. So I can't even comment whether the fourth will be the last one or not." As for plot secrets, Spielberg says, "I'm not looking to redesign the wheel. I just want to continue the saga." The film is due out in 2004. Yes, Spielberg's wife, Kate Capshaw, has a cameo.

    Now be careful. Spielberg didn't say that there will also come a fifth Indiana Jones film. He simply says that you just never know what will happen next in Hollywood.
    Spielberg talks Ford/Indy's action in 'Indy 4'
    (Friday, July 5, 2002) posted the following about Harrison Ford's age in Indiana Jones 4:

    Steven Spielberg is convinced Harrison Ford's advancing age won't be a barrier to the upcoming Indiana Jones sequel. The Oscar-winning moviemaker is teaming up with pal George Lucas to make the new adventure flick - over 20 years after the franchise began in 1981 with Raiders Of The Lost Ark and over ten years since the last flick, The Last Crusade (1989). By the time the movie hits theaters in 2005, Ford - who was 38 when the first movie was made - will be 63, but Spielberg isn't worried about the star reprising the swashbuckling role; he has some decidedly low-tech plans to conceal Harrison's advancing years. Spielberg says, "Harrison won't act his age: he'll run: he'll swing, he'll leap, he'll fight. None of that's gonna change. He might 'ooh' and 'aah' a bit more and there might be a few more scenes where he's having Vicks Vapor Rub applied to all the sore spots."

    Never doubted that Harrison Ford will still be able to do it. Actually, these 'ooh' and 'aah' moments might even add some extra fun and suspense to the action scenes!
    Ford talks with Playboy about "Indy 4"
    Sunday, July 7, 2002

    The August 2002 issue of Playboy magazine contains a good interview with Harrison Ford about Indiana Jones 4. Here's an except from the interview:

    Playboy: Why has it taken you, Lucas and Spielberg so long to do the fourth Indiana Jones?
    Ford: "We've all been busy, that's most of it. Then there were the concepts we didn't all agree on. It has to be the best damned Jones we ever made or its going to get tarred and feathered."
    Playboy: Given the time that has passed, will you make concessions for the fact that Indiana Jones is getting older?
    Ford: "I'll make concessions for the fact that I'm 15 years older."
    Playboy: How is Indiana Jones aging?
    Ford: "As you can see, very well. I can still whip Sean Connery with one hand tied behind my back. We want to preserve the spirit of the original, but I hope we have some good jokes in there about it. The character is still Indiana Jones, and it was always as much fun for the audience to see me get beat up as it was to see me beat somebody up. That is kind of unique. Part of the appeal of Indiana Jones is that he was always in over his head. He was always hurt. As he said in the first film, "Its not the years, its the mileage."

    For a complete look at the 7 page interview get a copy of the August 2002 issue of Playboy.
    John Williams signed on for "Indy 4"
    The Orange County Register got the honor of interviewing our favorite composer, John Williams. And while the interview itself is very fascinating, what gets my attention the most is this line hidden at the very end:

    Williams is already signed up for Indiana Jones 4 and Star Wars Episode III with Spielberg and Lucas, as well as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, projects taking him into 2005.

    Yet more confirmation that Indy will be on the screen at least one more time.
    Hit the link above to read the interview.
    Lucas talks "Indy 4" with Swedish newspaper
    Wednesday, July 10, 2002

    A Swedish newspaper, Aftonbladet, conducted an interview with George Lucas a few days ago, let's just say it brings about even more official confirmation. Here's a rough translation from a part of the interview:

    (GL) "I wanted to see a movie such as Raiders of the lost Ark, but I didn't want to make it myself. So I asked Spielberg, and those kind of movies are what he likes to direct."
    (JP) "I understand you are starting the next Indiana Jones?"
    (GL) "All I need to do with Indy is to create the story and select the script-writer. I have come up with a plot that both Steven and Harrison like, so now I just have to get the writer going and then I'm done."
    Writing Episode III Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are now waiting for Frank Darabont to write the script based on Lucas's story. When you are reading this, George Lucas is sitting at his desk at the Skywalker Ranch.
    (GL) "I am writing both Episode III and Episode IV in two different series. The third 'Star Wars' and the fourth 'Indiana Jones'."
    They are both scheduled for release in 2005.

    There you have it, Star Wars III and Indy 4 are both "full steam ahead" right now. We'll see which one crosses the finish line first.

    Thanks to for the news and translation.
    Darabont talks about writing "Indy 4"
    Friday, July 12, 2002

    Sci Fi Wire talked about Indiana Jones 4 with it's screenplay writer, Frank Darabont. Here's part of their short but interesting article:

    Not surprisingly, Indy won't be facing down Nazis this time around, Darabont said. "We're going to give you some good villains, let me just put it that way," he said.
    Darabont added that producer George Lucas and director Steven Spielberg are allowing Darabont to bring his own ideas to the script. "It winds up being a pretty good collaboration, a good exchange of ideas," he said. But, he added, "at the end of the day, I'll be writing what they ask me to. I'll be giving them the story that they want, so in that sense, I'm an employee. But a very excited and engaged employee. And what a fun project to work on."
    When probed for specific details—such as the rumors that Indy will have a son—Darabont said, "If I told you, they'd kill me. I wouldn't leave here alive. I'm sworn to secrecy."

    Hit the link above to read the article.
    [Alle News stammen von !]
    "Noch nie hat ein X irgendwo, irgendwann einen bedeutenden Punkt markiert...."

    "Das X markiert den Punkt...!"


      *weiter Selbstgespräche führ*

      'Indy 4' domain registered
      (Tuesday, July 16, 2002)

      Surprised or not, Paramount Pictures Corporation has registered the domain name which will be the future home of the Official Indy 4 Website due in July 2005.

      You can search this domain name at NetworkSolutions under 'WhoIs' section. Or you can just click here.

      Thanks to 'StarWars3'.
      • Drehbuchautor ist bekannt (Frank Darabont).
      • J. Williams hat bereits für den Soundtrack unterschrieben.
      • Der offizielle Releasetermin scheint bekannt zu sein (4. Juli 2005).
      • Ford, Spielberg und Lucas sind "an Bord".
      • Das Drehbuch selbst scheint noch nicht (fertig) geschrieben zu sein - worium es jedoch (grob) gehen soll, steht mittlerweile fest.
      • Einige der/alle drei Damen aus den früheren drei Filmen sollen in "Indy 4" einen kurzen Cameo-Auftritt haben.

      Erbitte Ergänzung der Liste

      Viele Grüße,
      "Noch nie hat ein X irgendwo, irgendwann einen bedeutenden Punkt markiert...."

      "Das X markiert den Punkt...!"


        Indiana Jones IV digital?

        Offenbar plant Steven Spielberg, nun doch den vierten Indy-Kinofilm mit der von George Lucas propagierten Digital-Technologie aufzuzeichnen und nicht auf normalem Film. Einem Magazin sagte Spielberg laut "Coming Soon", dieses würde er nur tun, wenn Lucas ihn darum bitten würde. Er hasse die Digital-Technologie, weil sie irreal realistische Bilder ohne Unschärfen liefere.

        Original geschrieben von Data

        Erbitte Ergänzung der Liste
        Jo, ich auch

        "Archäologie ist nicht das, was sie glauben. Noch nie hat ein X irgendwo, irgendwann einen bedeutenden Punkt markiert."

        „And so the lion fell in love with the lamb“


          Original geschrieben von Data
          [*]Einige der/alle drei Damen aus den früheren drei Filmen sollen in "Indy 4" einen kurzen Cameo-Auftritt haben.[/list]

          Viele Grüße,
          Ich habe so meine Zweifel, ob die dritte auch dabei ist


            *Thread hochhol*

            Spielberg & Ford reserve time in 2004 for 'Indy 4'
            (Sunday, September 8, 2002)

            Good news! Cinema Confidential posted the news that Harrison Ford told at the American Film Festival that he and Steven Spielberg have reserved time in 2004 to begin shooting Indiana Jones 4.

            Hit the link above to read the original news message.
            (Diese Meldung stammt von

            Viele Grüße,
            "Noch nie hat ein X irgendwo, irgendwann einen bedeutenden Punkt markiert...."

            "Das X markiert den Punkt...!"


              Wird ja auch langsam Zeit
              "You don't burn out from going too fast, you burn out from going too slow and getting bored"
              Cliff Burton (1962-1986)
              DVD-Collection | Update 30.01.2007


                super, das ist deffinitiv ein gutes Zeichen! Nur schade das überhaupt erst 2004 gedreht wird dann kommt der Film erst 2005 das ist noch eine Weile..
                tempus fugit


                  Das mag durchaus sein Atona, aber das wichtigste an der ganzen Sache ist: er KOMMT überhaupt!!!
                  'To infinity and beyond!'


                    Original geschrieben von Nazgûl
                    Das mag durchaus sein Atona, aber das wichtigste an der ganzen Sache ist: er KOMMT überhaupt!!!
                    lange genug warten wir ja schon darauf..
                    nur hoffentloch werden die übersteigerten erwartungen nicht enttäuscht
                    tempus fugit


                      lange genug warten wir ja schon darauf..
                      nur hoffentloch werden die übersteigerten erwartungen nicht enttäuscht
                      Das könnte eben ein Problem sein. Die zu großen Erwartungen an den Film. Natürlich geben alle ihr bestes (vor allem der gealterte Ford) aber um den großen Anforderungen der Fans gerecht zu werden ist sicher ein wahres Meisterwerk zu vollbringen....
                      'To infinity and beyond!'


                        Dann sollte man am besten gar nichts erwarten. Wir dzwar schwierig, aber ein Versuch ist es wert
                        "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                        "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                        "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                        "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                          Der "gealterte" Harisson Ford dürfte nicht das Problem sein! Ich habe gelesen, dass sie ihm in seinen neuen Filmen die Falten wegmachen, weil er sonst zu alt aussieht! Naja, egal! Irgendwie war ja auch mal bekannt gewesen, dass Kate Capshaw nochmal mitspielen sollte... wisst ihr da mehr? (Hoffe doch )
                          "There must be some way out of here
                          Said the joker to the thief
                          There's too much confusion
                          I can't get no relief" - All along the watchtower


                            Kate Cashaw? Bitte klär mich auf
                            "We don't want him, we want you" "This isn't a Dating service" - Hawks & McQueen
                            "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park." - B'Elanna Torres in Tsunkatse
                            "Das Universum beherrschen ist ein Hobby, keine Zwangsneurose." - Moogie | "Check"
                            "Peace and Chicken!" - Homer Simpson in The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed


                              *heulend in den Thread komm* Jaja, Kate Cashaw will man... es ist zum verzweifeln... Alison Doody hätte für eine Auferstehung Elsas kämpfen sollen...

                              Aber jo, ich denke der Auftritt Willie Scotts sollte zu 90 % oder mehr (warten wir mal was Data sagt ) bestätigt sein...

                              Ach ja, bei News usw. zum Cast uvm. empfehle ich z.B. diese Seite. Eigentlich findet sich aber inzwischen überall irgendwas...

                              "Archäologie ist nicht das, was sie glauben. Noch nie hat ein X irgendwo, irgendwann einen bedeutenden Punkt markiert."

                              „And so the lion fell in love with the lamb“


                                Jaaa! Wenn Kate Capshaw wieder mitspielt wird ne Party geschmissen!!!

                                "There must be some way out of here
                                Said the joker to the thief
                                There's too much confusion
                                I can't get no relief" - All along the watchtower

