A Generation Lost - The Future Unknown
SciFi Serie von Joe Michael Straczynski, basierend auf einer Comicreihe von Hermann Huppen
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die erste Staffel ist in den USA gelaufen und die zweite wird auch bald kommen. dazu gab es eine witzige News auf :
ich finde die Serie jedenfalls genial, und sie hat auf jeden Fall einen eigenen Thread verdient
A Generation Lost - The Future Unknown
SciFi Serie von Joe Michael Straczynski, basierend auf einer Comicreihe von Hermann Huppen

The Showtime series tracks the aftermath of the Big Death, which wiped out roughly six billion people, anyone over the age of puberty. It's now 15 years later, and people have been ridinng on the ashes of the old world for the most part, the available resources slowly declining and running out. It's a moment of transition: either the decline continues, or now that they are adults, people start to rebuild a new world out of the ashes of the old one. The question is what shape will that world take, and who gets to choose?
-- JMS
-- JMS
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umfangreiche Fanseite
die erste Staffel ist in den USA gelaufen und die zweite wird auch bald kommen. dazu gab es eine witzige News auf :
Another 22 eps? No way! Fans of J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, The Real Ghostbusters, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe) were left in a state of total confusion last week when his latest TV series, Jeremiah, managed to complete its first season without being canceled.
News that JMS had succeeded in making a moderately successful TV series sent shockwaves through fandom. "What in Valen's name are we supposed to do now?" asked bewildered fan G'Xananarama. "I had my Save Jeremiah website all ready to go the second the show was axed. Now I don't know what to do!"
A fan-based letter writing campaign to Showtime has already begun.
"We've got the names and addresses of all the right studio executives to harass. Together, we can sink this bitch," said an anonymous fan. "Once the show is dead we can start a new letter writing campaign to get the show saved. It's a bit of a round-about way of doing things, but I had 5000 Save Jeremiah bumper stickers printed up before they shot the pilot and I've got to get rid of them somehow."
JMS was more upbeat about the situation. "I didn't fuck up. This is wonderful news for the show. We now have an excellent chance of being canceled in the second or even third season!"
Another 22 eps? No way! Fans of J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, The Real Ghostbusters, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe) were left in a state of total confusion last week when his latest TV series, Jeremiah, managed to complete its first season without being canceled.
News that JMS had succeeded in making a moderately successful TV series sent shockwaves through fandom. "What in Valen's name are we supposed to do now?" asked bewildered fan G'Xananarama. "I had my Save Jeremiah website all ready to go the second the show was axed. Now I don't know what to do!"
A fan-based letter writing campaign to Showtime has already begun.
"We've got the names and addresses of all the right studio executives to harass. Together, we can sink this bitch," said an anonymous fan. "Once the show is dead we can start a new letter writing campaign to get the show saved. It's a bit of a round-about way of doing things, but I had 5000 Save Jeremiah bumper stickers printed up before they shot the pilot and I've got to get rid of them somehow."
JMS was more upbeat about the situation. "I didn't fuck up. This is wonderful news for the show. We now have an excellent chance of being canceled in the second or even third season!"
ich finde die Serie jedenfalls genial, und sie hat auf jeden Fall einen eigenen Thread verdient
